Tag: javascript

A custom Google Data Studio connector, built from scratch with TypeScript, to pull in data from Toggl Time Tracker via API.

Tips, tricks, and gotchas, for building a Google Data Studio Community Connector on Google Apps Script. Covers some common issues and recommended approaches.

How to embed your Google Apps Script in an iframe when a user needs to authenticate it first before it can work. Solutions uses JSONP to inform parent page.

A lightweight browser tool for quickly exporting a LinkedIn profile page to a JSON Resume export. Grabs education, work positions, and even skills.

A breakdown of different ways to embed static and dynamic content into iframes, and dynamically generate iframe embeds on both the client-side and server-side.

Some random notes on using the Power BI Embedded Javascript APIs, such as resetting slicer visuals.

Reusable Node script that can be passed CLI arguments for a remote file to be downloaded, and optionally integrity checked against a known file hash.

Quick demo to show a stream of Javascript DOM events emitted when users interact with a page.

A practical guide to GTM triggers, how they work, and Javascript alternatives if you can't use Google Tag Manager. Meant for both non-developers and developers.

A guide on implementing internal traffic filtering in analytics, as well as blocking tracking and ads for internal employees using IP addresses and/or cookies.