LinkedIn Profile to JSON Resume Exporter – Browser Extension

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    This Project is over a year old (first published about 4 years ago). As such, please keep in mind that some of the information may no longer be accurate, best practice, or a reflection of how I would approach the same thing today.
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    Date Posted:
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    Last Updated:
    Dec. 08, 2020
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LinkedIn to JSON Resume Extension Promo Image


You can now get this tool as a Chrome Extension, from the official webstore page.

Or, if you want to sideload it, you can grab a zip file from the latest release.

Source Code:

What is the LinkedIn to JSON Resume Export Tool?

This is a project that I initially quickly threw together, mostly out of frustration that it didn’t already exist. As I outline in the “readme” file in my Github repo for this project, I wanted to export my LinkedIn profile to JSON Resume, which is an exciting standard for storing, sharing, parsing, and generating resumes based on a shared underlying data structure, or schema.

The official LinkedIn APIs are restrictive and require an approval process, and the manual data export option offered by LinkedIn can take up to 72 hours. I was frustrated by this fact, so I built this tool to instantly export a LinkedIn profile page to the JSON Resume standard, which appears in a little popup modal that you can easily copy and paste out of.

On 8/3/2019, I rewrote the tool from a bookmarklet to a browser extension (Chrome extension) to get around some restrictions placed by LinkedIn that were breaking the functionality of the bookmarklet version.


Since the initial release as a simple bookmarklet, this project has seen some major improvements and gained additional features.

  • Rewritten as a browser extension, to work with CSP restrictions
  • Added support for downloading of JSON file
  • Reworked to simultaneously support multiple different schema versions
  • Added support for multilingual profiles, and ability to pick export language
  • Added vCard export (for import into address book)
  • Constant reworking to support changes in the LinkedIn endpoints, specifications, and restrictions


Linkedin to JSON Resume Chrome Extension - Demo

What I Used

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • JSON + JSON Schema
  • Webpack
  • Chrome extension APIs
  • Web APIs
  • Fetch
  • Vanilla JS + HTML + CSS
  • And more!

8 thoughts on “LinkedIn Profile to JSON Resume Exporter – Browser Extension”

  1. Pika says:

    Can you update Bookmarklet? Now this don’t run.

    1. joshuatz says:

      Hi Pika,

      Thanks for bringing this to my attention. LinkedIn just made a large change to their site that prevents any bookmarklet from working, including mine! Unfortunately, their change is very hard to work around, so I won’t have this fixed for a bit, but in the meantime, there is a slightly manual workaround that I have outlined here (see “Short term fix” section).

  2. David says:

    Hi, Is there also a parser for linkedin companies?

    1. joshuatz says:

      Hi David,

      No, currently the exporter / parser does not support LinkedIn company pages. It should be easy to build a scraper for those, but frankly I’m not sure how or why that should integrate with the JSON Resume format – a company shouldn’t really have a resume, nor is there much overlap between what the JSON Resume schema stores (e.g. work positions and skills) and what sort of schema a company might have (e.g. founders, established date, # of employees).

      I think there are existing tools that might accomplish what you are looking for (LI company scraping), but that is outside the scope of my tool, which I want to focus on profiles / Resumes.

  3. Sebastian says:

    Thanks joshuatz !!! I just discovered this project and I’m going to start using the chrome extension. I hope this have long life !! Probably I will be using it for years if possible.

  4. Dylan says:

    This is an awesome tool! Thanks for doing us all a solid and developing it!

  5. Sumit mourya says:

    Hey can anyone help me how to create this chrome extension in brief

    1. joshuatz says:

      I’m not sure I understand the question; are you looking to figure out how to build your own Chrome extension? In that case, I would recommend checking out the official guides from Google on the topic.

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