Tag: javascript
A look at my favorite features of Svelte, comparisons to React and other frameworks, and what makes it a joy to use.
Simple JavaScript snippet to manage YouTube history in bulk.
How to determine point intersection or collision detection with Canvas paths, with or without tolerances / buffers / padding.
I wrote several of the posts in this series, on how to build static web sites with the Gatsby.js framework, working with a Senior Technical Editor to get articles from idea to publication.
An introductory guide to the different parts of Google Lighthouse, how to use it via CLI and NodeJS, and strategies for customizing its configuration.
Demo weather app project, using Svelte, TypeScript, and Express to power a web interface with a location-based forecast, powered by the AccuWeather API.
Approaches for using CSURF for CSRF protection, but only on certain routes, and some with the ability to extract the generated token from the request.
How to use the Arc Canvas Web API method to draw partial filled circle segments, including quarter circles, and even with added rotation.
How to use TypeScript, or JSDoc-powered JavaScript, with Service Workers, as well as some important caveats for current issues.
NodeJS-powered automation that extracts all the tutorial docs out of the Svelte repo and combines them into a single formatted HTML document.