Tag: javascript
A fun browser-based ring light / fill light app, that lets you control a virtual light on your screen.
A guide on using SVG files with Svelte, and how to embed, inline-directly, or reference them, with or without rollup plugins.
Options for getting data feeds out of Google Sheets, avoiding slow-to-update published CSV feed URLs, and custom scripting with Google Apps Scripts.
An experimental project that delves into the idea of rendering non-video content in Picture-in-Picture windows, use-cases, and a discussion of the future.
Various ways to investigate stalled content attached to a MediaSource instance, and different causes that can be evaluated and tested.
Exploring different ways to append videos to a MediaSource instance with SourceBuffers and appendBuffer calls. Includes fully functional examples and tips.
A comprehensive write-up on different ways to convert and use binary data in front-end JavaScript code, web browser APIs, and even your local filesystem.
How to launch a shell with NodeJS, keep it open, and pipe commands in while capturing output. Also, a discussion on how this impacts performance.
Researching and summarizing offline database options for modern web applications, including low-level APIs, helpful wrapper libraries, SDKs, and more.
How to disable Chrome's default stdout log messages that come through Selenium Webdriver on NodeJS, such as the "DevTools listening on ws..." message.