Tag: devops

What are shell (bash, zsh, etc.) heredocs (Here Documents), and why they are so fun and useful to have. Covers both the basics and advanced usage and tricks.

An introductory guide to the different parts of Google Lighthouse, how to use it via CLI and NodeJS, and strategies for customizing its configuration.

CLI and module for packing files into directories or archives, based on ignorelist files and glob patterns. Built with TypeScript and NodeJS, and highly configurable.

NodeJS-powered automation that extracts all the tutorial docs out of the Svelte repo and combines them into a single formatted HTML document.

A step-by-step guide on how to deploy a Preact app from a nested subdirectory, with instructions on updating Webpack, preact-router, and more.

Want a clear visual indicator in your app or documentation so you know *exactly* which commit was pushed and successfully deployed? Then this post is for you.

The easy way to migrate from one subdomain to another, for the same site and primary domain, using Netlify Redirect settings and Custom Domain Aliases.

An evaluation of different ways to backup and export Firefox Bookmarks, both manually and via automated scripts and tools.

A short guide on how to get and use local binary paths for packages installed through NPM or Yarn, under node_modules, for multiple OSes.

How to get a list of all files in a project or directory, with inclusion and exclusion rules applied based on a .gitignore file.